Women Self Care Ideas
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in our day-to-day grind that we can easily forget about ourselves, especially as moms. Here, I share some things that have helped me and, hopefully, will help you! This list says women self care ideas (search keyword), but really it can be for everyone! The key is to be in the moment and intentional with everything on this list.
This post is all about women self care ideas to get you inspired on your own journey towards self care.
1. Paint your nails
Now, you can easily get your nails done professionally. If that’s what you already do, great! I’m genuinely happy for you! You’re already on a journey of self care. But I’m talking to the people who haven’t started and need ideas.
If you don’t like color on your hands, no problem. Use clear nail polish, but before you paint your nails, I want you to clean, buff, and file your nails. Here’s the thing: be intentional when you’re doing your nails. Try focusing only on that: your nails. Think about how you’re filing them, cleaning them, and painting them. Pay close attention to your nails.
Make it a fun experience! Light some candles, play relaxing music, and make sure to have a nice drink next to you, like tea, sparkling water, or wine. Also, be sure to have all your nail supplies ready.
Here’s a quick list of some essentials you’ll need next to you:
1. Nail file
2. Nail buffer
3. Cotton
4. Nail polish remover
5. Nail cutter
6. Cuticle nail pusher or cuticle scissors
7. Cuticle oil
8. Nail polish (clear or color) or press-on nail
9. Fast-drying top coat
If you don’t have everything above, that’s perfectly fine. You can make do with a nail file and nail cutter! This is more to get into the act of focusing on your nails and hands without having to get up consistently to grab things. The point is to dedicate time to focus on just your nails. Nothing more, nothing less.
I emphasize paying attention to your nails a lot because I didn’t know how to meditate. Painting my nails helped me stay focused on literally one thing, and that was my nails.
It felt like a different form of meditation to me.
It was easy for me to concentrate strictly on trying to clean, file, and paint my nails instead of my breathing. Try to stay hyper-focused on each specific task that leads up to painting your nails. The repetitiveness of brushing polish on your nails can be so meditating if you take your time.
Use a natural or clear color so you don’t have to worry too much about going outside of your nail bed. You want this practice to be relaxing. You can also forgo polish all together!
However, it teaches you to sit still when your nails are drying. If you have small kids, maybe you can opt out of polish or use clear, as mentioned above. You can also try doing this while they’re sleeping. If you decide to paint your nails clear, you don’t have to worry about them getting smudged.
I discovered a fast drying top coat, such as Seche Vite. This fast-drying top coat works so well! The trick is to not layer your polish on so thick. Another tip is to paint your dominant hand first. I do this and find that it’s much easier to finish my nails.
When you’re done with your nails, I want you to take a moment. Look at how beautiful your hands are! Really look at them and appreciate them. Feel grateful for your hands. Your hands have nurtured your family. They have provided love, food, safety, strength, and comfort. In return, your hands do the same for you. This act is also a simple reminder that you and your hands are resilient.
2. Light a candle
As I mentioned above, you can do this while doing your nails. You can also do this while brushing your teeth and washing your face, morning or night! Just don’t forget to blow the candle out if you leave.
To start your day, while you make your favorite drink in the morning, light a candle first thing. Again, play some soothing music. The act of doing this will start your day off like a treat. It’ll also make your nighttime routine feel a little more special. It’s such a small act, but it can definitely have a huge impact on your mood.
I notice it helps me slow down when I’m getting ready for bed. Take your time washing your face and layering your skin care products.
Close your eyes and enjoy the scents and sounds around you, if you can. Take a deep breath and take your time while you enjoy massaging your skin care products on to your face. Brush your teeth more slowly.
If you have time, do a face mask. Most nights, I’m so tired. I feel like I don’t have enough time or energy for a face mask. However, I discovered overnight face masks. Opt for an overnight face mask or sheet masks, so you don’t have to worry about washing it off later. I’ve listed some masks I’ve used below.
Lighting a candle is such a quick and simple treat to do for yourself, even if it’s unscented. The trick is to have a lighter or matches nearby. You can treat yourself and buy a decadent candle and cute matches to make the experience feel a bit more luxurious.
3. Take a long bath or shower
This, for most moms and any busy person, is such a privilege. I totally get it. Most of the items listed in this blog post are a privilege, honestly. That’s why it is so important to take a step back and indulge in ourselves once in a while.
This blog post about women self care ideas is more of a reminder for busy folks out there to slow down and think about themselves for once or thrice.
Again, you might already know what I’m going to write, but light a candle and play some music. Before you take a bath or shower, lay your clothing out first, and have your lotion or moisturizer ready. It makes it a lot easier when you’re finished bathing to have everything readily available.
Be intentional in this bathing routine. Take your time.
Stop yourself from feeling rushed! Even if it’s super difficult to let go of that feeling, remember to take a deep breath and tell yourself that you deserve this time. Make your best effort to make a conscious decision to slow down. I’m here to remind you!
4. Take yourself out to a nice meal
If this sounds a little intimidating, having a meal by yourself, I get it. I used to feel that way. Here are some ideas that helped me.
Having dinner in a public place alone can be super intimidating. It gets busy, and you’re usually surrounded by other people enjoying their meals with friends or family.
You can start off by either getting breakfast or lunch alone. It’s more likely you’ll find more people eating alone during these times than at dinner. Lunch is probably a better time because more people are taking their lunch breaks alone because of work.
Opt for a casual small restaurant. Chain restaurants are also less intimidating. If none of these ideas sound appealing, opt for takeout and take yourself to a nice park. Enjoy the fresh air! And remember to take a deeeeep breath. Take a deep breath now while you’re reading this!
I don’t suggest taking it back home because if you have a family you might end up sharing your meal. As a mom, I’m pretty sure you’re probably eating their leftovers. It’s totally okay for you to enjoy a meal all to yourself for once.
If you have enough time, bring a book or earphones. You can totally indulge in some entertainment while you’re eating. Make this moment special, even if you’re just eating at a chain restaurant. I want you to find a way to sneak in something you like doing, too, while alternating focusing on your meal.
Remember to feel grateful for your moment while you finish your favorite meal!
5. Ride a bike or take a walk
One day, I wasn’t feeling so positive. I wanted to get out of the house but didn’t want to spend too much money. If I called a friend, that would mean spending more money than I wanted to, unfortunately.
Instead, I opted for a bike ride. To make it more appealing, I decided to go to the nearest gas station to buy a beer. I told myself I could enjoy my beer once I rode it to my favorite park, which was a 30-minute bike ride. Obviously, you need to be careful if you plan on drinking and riding. Be responsible.
When I got to the park, I found a little bench with such a beautiful view. I soaked up the beautiful views as I slowly drank my beer. I indulged in nature and the fresh air around me (as well as a nice, well-deserved cold drink). This park wasn’t like a school or neighborhood park. It was more like a miniature national park.
If you have the privilege of living near something similar, I recommend you enjoy nature’s beauty. When I used to stay in the city, I’d buy a sandwich and ride my bike to whatever beautiful public destination the city had to offer.
I’m sure you’ve also heard people saying walks are good for you too. And they’re absolutely right! If you have a busy day, taking a quick walk is so beneficial both mentally and physically. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Those 15 minutes are for you!
Throughout the day, I sometimes find myself craving a walk. Especially if I’m listening to something interesting and can’t wait to finish it during my next walk.
Of course, with both, be sure to follow safety precautions, like wearing a helmet and being aware of your surroundings. Sometimes, I’ll carry mace with me when I’m out for a walk in really secluded areas.
Hopefully, these 5 women self care ideas will inspire you to make yourself a priority more often.
Edit: After publishing this post, I realized I forgot to add something else that is super vital for self care.
That is sleep! Be sure to get some sleep. A lot of us women, tend to not make this a priority. If you need sleep, and if you can, try to make this a priority even if for one day!
Go on a solo overnight trip if within your budget. This can even be a girlfriend’s home. If not, take small naps througout the day. Just be sure to make sleep a priority for yourself once in awhile. If you can, make it a habit to consistently get good sleep!
Need some tips to fall asleep easier? Please be sure to check out my blog post 9 Tips To Fall Asleep Easier here!
What are some of your self care practices I didn’t mention? I would love to hear about them and possibly utilize them for myself as well!
As always, thanks for reading.
Love, Sutivi.
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