My Experience with a Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog

Miele Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Review
I have 5 vacuums. I know that is super excessive. But you know what? If makes my life so much easier. Because in my household, there are 3 of us, 2 of my daughters and myself. This doesn’t include my other daughter and her partner who lives 10 minutes away. Nor does it include my at home daughters’ friends and partners who visit and our 4 pets and 2 visiting pets. My home feels like it has a revolving door but I’m all for it. My life is full and thriving with life and love. Having a reliable, well engineered vacuum helps with the chaos my home experiences at times.
So yes, back to vacuums. Like I said I have 5! A Roomba, a cordless Dyson, a ShopVac, a mini handheld vacuum for kitchen drawers only, and my most recent purchase a Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog. Oh how I LOVE my Miele. I purchased the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog. At first, I just got the regular Miele Boost CX1 (not Cat & Dog) but the attachment it came with (which is better used for non-carpeted floors, in my opinion) did not provide the efficiency that I needed. It didn’t have a rotating brush in the attachment. I had to return it and get the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog version which I didn’t realize I even needed to consider.
I just assumed all attachments would have a rotating brush. Without it, it made it difficult to push up on carpet when I was vacuuming, making for a rough transition between my wood floors and rugs. I like to seamlessly vacuum between carpet and floor.
This post is about my Miele Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Review
Ok, ok, moving on to my Miele Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Review: What I love about the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog is how lightweight it is and how easy the handle is. It is in plug in which I needed because the battery on my Dyson doesn’t last long enough to vacuum the whole house. I don’t like having to stop vacuuming just to let it recharge. The plugin has such an easy retractable feature. The Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog is so easy to maneuver because the handle is so lightweight and not bulky. So you can really get into crevasses unlike traditional big body vacuums.
The body of the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog is attached to the handle by a long and flexible tube. It does take some getting used to as with other vacuums the body and suction portion are all connected as one. The latter makes it easier to move, yes. But the Miele’s handle is actually more superior as it can get into a lot more places. The body of the Miele’s vacuum is also very light. Sometimes I’ll just pick it up and move around. I treat it like a 10lb. weight and think of it as a light exercise. Essentially, housekeeping is a good form of exercise anyway. But it doesn’t have to be super difficult.
A part of the Miele bagless vacuum cleaner review, is the cost. I will say the cost is very high. It is more expensive than most vacuums. I got one of the cheaper end models. I also waited until there was a sale which seems to happen often. Originally, I purchased mine from Bloomingdales of all places. However, like I said, I initially purchased the Miele Boost CX1 and not the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog which makes a huge difference. You get an extra attachment with the Cat & Dog version.
I returned it and purchased the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog model from William Sonoma when they had a sale. And since then I have been in love. For me, it was worth the investment since this is an important appliance that makes my daily life easier. It’s also something that I don’t purchase often (this may debatable as I have 5 but they’re all used differently). The reason I had to purchase this is because I gave my daughter my plug-in Dyson when she moved to her new place. That’s when I decided I needed to upgrade to something better.
I love my cordless Dyson and at the time my plug-in Dyson. But there were some features in my plug-in Dyson that just weren’t doing it for me. It was too bulky. It didn’t always maneuver effortlessly nor did the head of the suctioning fit in most corners. There were times when I’d have to stop vacuuming with my plug-in Dyson just to get my cordless Dyson to hit the corners. It was kind of annoying. Plus, the attachments of both plug-in and cordless Dysons weren’t attached. I stored them in a container in the hallway closet.
With my Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog, the attachments are on the end of the handle sitting where it transitions with the suctioning tube. At first, I thought that would be a nuisance and in my way. Surprisingly, it’s not and it’s so convenient to get into cracks now with my narrow mouth attachment. Another thing I love about the Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog is how the handle is so easily adjustable in length. It’s very intuitive in design which makes cleaning more efficient for me.
And did I mention the suction? I mean, after all, it’s a part of my title. The suction is, in my opinion superior to Dyson. The settings are a little old school in the sense that it’s a dial knob. But it does the job, and I love how there are 4 settings from minimum to maximum. At first, I thought 4 settings were an unnecessary feature as I thought I just needed maximum at all times. But no! I use the minimum setting to vacuum my drapes (as pictured in one of the settings on the vacuum) and lightweight rugs. There’s so much versatility in how I use this vacuum. I love playing with the settings. Most times I just use the setting one below maximum and it does a great job in suctioning everything from animal and human hair to spider webs on my ceilings.
Let’s talk about the canister where it holds the debris. There is a handle on the body of the vacuum and next to it is another handle which is for the canister. Initially, I also thought that would be annoying and something I would consistently mix up. When you pull on the canister handle, it lifts out. It happened to me and my daughter a couple of times when we first used the vacuum.
After that, I now take a split second to look for the solid color handle before I pull up. It just takes an extra couple of seconds to look for, not too much of a big deal in my book. And this is only because if you lift up on the canister handle, it doesn’t empty and leave a mess. You simply slip it back in. I really feel like this is such a well designed and intuitive vacuum!
Now, the only thing I would say is not that intuitive or a bit annoying is the body of the vacuum. I am still getting used to dragging it around which I do by pulling on the suction tube that’s connected to the handle. I don’t know if that’s proper way to move it around but it’s the easiest for me. Sometimes, the body of the vacuum will get stuck on another piece of furniture. When this happens, I have to walk over to where it’s at and move it. Another reason the body will get stuck is because I didn’t extend the cord long enough. I think the best way to resolve this would be to pull the cord all the way out before you start moving around.
So there you have it my Miele Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Review. Can you tell how much I love my Miele Boost CX1 Cat & Dog? If you have one, please let me know how you like it and how you’re using it. I’d love to hear some tips and tricks.
Love, Sutivi